2015 IIBD International Case Competition in November (Application Deadline: 22 May 2015)



此次大赛的主题是“e-Business: Leveraging the Digital Edge”云开平台受邀组成一支参赛队(最多4位成员,可以有1位研究生,并要1名指导教师),最终将选出5个团队参加1120日在香港浸会大学举行的总决赛。

请感兴趣的同学尽快联系指导老师、组成参赛团队,并下载填写参赛申请,于522发送至案例中心邮箱zjucase@zju.edu.cn如有其他问题可联系IIBD秘书处(Email: iibd@hkbu.edu.hk


要了解更多IIBD案例大赛的信息,请参考所附海报或访问以下网址:http://iibd.hkbu.edu.hk/CC2015 .


IIBD International Case Competition is a competition for IIBD member and non-member universities worldwide.  The purpose of IIBD International Case Competition is to strengthen internationalisation through the enhancement of student and faculty networks, both social as well as professional.  The Competition highlights the strategic challenges and managerial dilemmas faced by global business leaders.  Students have to work under pressure to solve a real world business problem, such as time-critical deadlines and incomplete information, to formulate workable, action-oriented recommendations.  It is a test of students’ creativity and problem-solving ability.  These students, tomorrow’s business leaders, will be better prepared to meet the challenges of a rapidly changing global business environment.

This is the 10th year that IIBD orgnanises such an international competition. This year, the 2015 IIBD International Case Competition will be jointly organised by Wing Lung Bank International Institute for Business Development (IIBD) and Chinese Businesses Case Centre, School of Business, Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU).

The theme of this year’s Competition is “e-Business: Leveraging the Digital Edge”. You are invited to nominate ONE team of business students to participate in this Competition to be held on 20 November2015 at HKBU.  Each participating team must consist of not more than four members, with not more than one graduate student, and be supervised by a faculty supervisor.  Please send your application to the IIBD Secretariat by 22 May 2015.  For details and guidelines of the 2015 IIBD International Case Competition, please refer to the attached flyer, or visit our website: http://iibd.hkbu.edu.hk/CC2015 .

Five finalist teams will be chosen and invited to the Hong Kong Baptist University to compete for awards in the final-round of the Competition on 20 November 2015. 


IIBD Secretariat

Tel : (852) 3411 5365 ; Fax: (852) 3411 5584

Email: iibd@hkbu.edu.hk



2015 IIBD International Case Competition (199.55 KB)
