1. 大赛简介
由欧洲管理发展基金(European Foundation for Management Development)组织的EFMD案例写作大赛迄今为止已举办近三十年,大赛以鼓励、支持新案例和创新性案例的创作为主旨。大赛主题选材广泛,同时聚焦于特定问题和特定区域。除以下17个常规主题外,今年案例大赛将增加“城市转型挑战”、“可持续生产系统”和“整合创新渠道”三个新主题,并继续设立最佳案例奖,所有主题的获奖案例均可参选。本届大赛所有获奖案例均将赢得€2000欧元奖金,并在EFMD相关领域获得更广泛的关注,还可以由The Case Centre出版。另外,对于获得“Best of the Best” 奖项的卓越案例将由EFMD’s Global Focus Magazine专题报道,并在EFMD年会颁奖典礼上被授予奖牌。
2. 案例提交
Ø 提交方法
Executive Summary摘要
Case 案例正文
Teaching Notes 教学使用说明
Case Release Form/Company Release Form 企业授权书(对根据已发布的数据资料开发的案例,可不提供企业授权书。)
更多信息及案例提交请访问2015 EFMD Case Writing Competition page
Ø 截止日期:2015年10月30日
Ø 其他要求及说明
Dear Reader, Take the opportunity to showcase your School’s research potential and submitcases to the 2015 EFMD Case Writing Competition before the 30 October 2015. This year we are glad to announce the launching of 3 new categories: “Urban Transition Challenges”, “Sustainable Production Systems”, and “Integrating the Innovation Pipelines” sponsored by Climate KIC. In addition to the 17 regular categories, generously sponsored by the schools and organisations listed below, we will once again have the “Best of the Best”category, to which all the winning cases from the different categories will be eligible. All of the winning cases receive €2000, wide visibility across the EFMD network and publication by The Case Centre. The “Best of the Best” winners are featured in the EFMD’s Global Focus Magazine, receive visibility across the EFMD and The Case Centre networks and are awarded with an engraved plate during the EFMD Annual Conference Awards Ceremony. The deadline for the submission of cases is 30 October 2015. For more information and for submitting your case, visit the 2015 EFMD Case Writing Competition page. Sponsorship Opportunities! If your school or organisation is interested in sponsoring one of the categories for which a sponsorship is open, please contactCaroline Taylor. Please do not hesitate to pass this email on to one of your colleagues who might be interested in participating. I look forward to receiving your submissions and wish you good luck! Kind Regards, Caroline |        The deadline for the submission of cases is 30 October 2015.  Ms. Caroline Taylor Coordinator, Business School Services Unit EFMD Rue Gachard 88 - Box 3 B-1050 Brussels Tel:+32-2-6290813 Fax:+32-2-6290811  |